
"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:"

Matthew 28:19

Bible Baptist Church is passionate
about reaching people with the Gospel.  

We are thankful for our church ministries here in the High Desert that reach people, but we also have a great burden to reach people around the world.

Bible Baptist Church is passionate about reaching people with the Gospel.  We are thankful for our church ministries here in the High Desert that reach people, but we also have a great burden to reach people around the world.

We also host an annual World Missions Conference that challenges us to pray for missionaries, to give financially, and to surrender to missions.  

Our church supports over 90 foreign missionaries in 37 different countries in addition to other various outreach & foreign mission ministries.

We believe that every believer ought to have a Biblical world view, that God cares for everyone, and that He wants them to trust Him.

BBC Loves Missions!

Missions Conference 

BBC hosts an annual Missions Conference showcasing past and new missionaries! This event is usually a week-long event that ends with a missionary's banquet where we get the honor of learning from these wonderful missionaries and their work in the field!


BBC supports more than 90 different mission works in over 30 different countries! Interested in supporting the work? Scroll down and visit our online giving to get started!

Join The Mission

Serve our heroes by your gift of giving!

Our vision for World Missions is to: Keep missions fresh and alive every week in the hearts and minds of the people and be a good steward of the resources God has entrusted to us so we may be most effective planting churches around the world.